Vydáno: 05 / 2019
Vydavatel: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
ISSN: 1805-9635
129 stran
Co-varying verbs and adjectives of it-extraposed constructions with to-infinitive clauses in academic discourse: a quantitative corpus-driven study
Jarosław Wiliński (Siedlce), p. 7-28 |
Lexical idioms: what is regular and what anomalous in word-formation
Kateřina Vašků (Praha), p. 29-46 |
Die Wunschformeln: eine kontrastive Analyse zwischen Standardspanischem und -deutschem
Valentina Vivaldi, Juan Pablo Larreta Zulategui (Sevilla), p. 47-66 |
The semantic interference characteristics of German loanwords in Ukrainian vernaculars of Zakarpattia
Olha Hvozdiak, Ivan Zymomrya (Uzhhorod), p. 67-78 |
Dobles participios en la evolución de la lengua portuguesa
Jan Hricsina (Praha), p. 79-99 |
Reexaminando a interpolação de não: estudo num corpus de português clássico e moderno
Mikołaj Nkollo (Poznań), p. 100-120 |
Karin Aijmer and Diana Lewis (eds),
Contrastive Analysis of Discourse-pragmatic Aspects of Linguistic Genres
Zhenzhen Yang (Shanghai), p. 123-125 |
Alexandra D’Arcy,
Discourse-Pragmatic Variation in Context — Eight hundred years of LIKE
Veronika Raušová (Praha), p. 126-129 |