2018 (28) 2

Issued: 09 / 2018
Publisher: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
ISSN: 1805-9635
127 pages
Les composés relationnels français du type relations parents-enfants
Jan Radimský (České Budějovice), p. 131-153
Intercultural and interdisciplinary variation in the use of epistemic lexical verbs in linguistics and economics research articles
Olga Dontcheva-Navratilova (Brno), p. 154-167
Pragmatic functions of I in academic discourse: linguistic research articles
Veronika Raušová (Praha), p. 168-183
Epistolary texts in a comparative perspective: the case of readers’ letters in Polish and English
Tatiana Szczygłowska (Bielsko-Biała), p. 184-201
Inverse translation: the more challenging direction
David Mraček (Praha), p. 202-221
Das Standardwerk zur Deutschen Orthographie in Forschung, Lehre und lexikographischer Praxis nach zehn Jahren. Eine Reflexion von außen
Marie Vachková (Praha), p. 222-231
Remembering Randolph Quirk
Libuše Dušková, Aleš Klégr (Praha), p. 235-237
Lars Hellan, Andrej Malchukov, and Michela Gennamo (eds), Contrastive Studies in Verbal Valency
Jakub Sláma (Praha), p. 241-246
Peter Ďurčo, Kathrin Steyer, Katrin Hein, Sprichwörter im Gebrauch
Tomáš Káňa (Brno), p. 247-249
Úvod > Vydání > 2018 (28) 2