Articles, project reports, reviews, news, anniversaries and obituaries are accepted in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Authors using a non-native language are required to have their contribution carefully checked by a native speaker before submitting it. All contributions must be original and previously unpublished articles, not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The submitted manuscripts are required in ready-to-print form. Only minimal corrections can be made in the proofs.
All contributions submitted to Linguistica Pragensia will be considered and reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. The reviewing process is usually completed within two months. There are two submission deadlines for No. 1 and No. 2 issues, 1st April and 1st November, respectively.
Articles should include an abstract of 100–150 words and a list of at least 5 keywords, alphabetically ordered, in English first, followed by the language of the article. The abstract should succinctly summarize the entire content of the article. Sections within articles should be designated with numbered headings, and paragraphs should be indented. The author’s name, affiliation, address (in the language of the article), and ORCID-ID should be included in a separate file and not within the contribution itself.
Submission: Electronically as e-mail attachments (in Word .doc or .docx files) to the editors ( All contributions by non-native speakers of the language of the contribution must be proofread prior to submission. Any contribution deemed as not meeting this criterion will be returned to the author.
Length: Articles: up to 9,000 words; longer articles will be considered (contact the editor). Reviews: up to 2,500 words.
Please ensure that no pre-set or personal styles for text formatting are used. Prior to submission, remove all such styles. Figures and photographs should be provided as high-resolution reproductions (300 dpi or higher) in separate files. Ensure they are carefully numbered and appropriately labelled. Tables must include titles, be numbered, and referenced within the text. Table titles and figure captions should be positioned below the respective table or figure.
For text formatting, use Times New Roman, 12-point font size, 1.5 line spacing, and maintain a 3.5 cm margin on the left side and 2.5 cm on all other sides throughout the document. Use “curved” quotation marks and single quotation marks for ‘citations’ within other citations.. Utilize the tabulator (not the spacebar) for paragraph alignment, indentation, or text positioning on the page. Examples should be numbered and indented. Please use footnotes instead of endnotes, keeping them to a minimum.
References in the text are cited by giving the name/s of the author/s, the year of publication, and pagination where relevant, e.g.: …as noted by Bauer (2001, p. 85–86); …the text (cf. Bauer, 2001, p. 52; Gaeta & Ricca, 2006, p. 213). All cited works should be included in a reference list at the end of the article. The references should be arranged alphabetically and follow the basic principles of the widely used APA referencing style, including publication place. Examples for each main text type are provided below.
Papers in journals:
Gaeta, L., & Ricca, D. (2006). Productivity in Italian word formation: A variable-corpus approach. Linguistics, 44(1), 57–89.
Papers or chapters in edited books, monographs, yearbooks, etc.:
Baayen, R. H. (1992). Quantitative aspects of morphological productivity. In G. Booij & J. v. Marle (Eds.), Yearbook of morphology 1991 (pp. 109–149). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Books, monographs:
Bauer, L. (2001). Morphological productivity. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press.
Software and internet sources:
R Core Team. (2021). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria. Retrieved from
For a complete guide, see